Maine’s SprayFoam Insulation Contractor

Another sprayfoam insulation job well done in Falmouth, Maine. We used Icynene Classic which is by far the best open cell foam out there on the market.
- 100 percent water blown technology. This means that there is zero off gassing with this product. The R-value stays the same over time it does not degrade. Petroleum blowing agents do not leach into your house.
- zero VOC
- Green Gaurd Certified
- Provides a complete air barrier around the entire envelope
- Creates a great sound barrier between the indoor environment and outdoor environment
- Does not trap Moisture
- Will not allow a dewpoint to occur in your wall because it does not allow warm air to penetrate and hit your cold sheathing.
- Expands 100:1 and fill just about any cavity that will exist in even the most complex framing
- Does not include boric acid/insecticide like cellulose
- Is 100 percent inert once it is cured
- Zero Dust
- Zero Settling
- Most of all it is AFFORDABLE!